Flat Feet (Pes Planus)

Do you have flat feet and live in the Geelong, Surf Coast or The Bellarine area?

Flat feet refers to a condition where the arch of the foot collapses or rolls in so that it gives the appearance that there is a loss of arch height.

It may appear that there is a loss of arch height in the foot. Most feet have an arch when non-weight bearing, and only collapse when they are standing on their feet (flexible flat foot). Some feet conversely are flat both non-weight bearing and when the foot contacts the ground (rigid flat foot).

With a flat foot, the foot remains with the arch lowered, resulting in less stability and rigidity. With this occurring from the feet up, ground reaction forces from the impact of the foot hitting the ground are not effectively distributed and lead to compensations in the feet and lower limbs.

Flat feet can also be a factor in the development of other problems such as pain on the inside of the ankles, tibialis posterior tendinosis, heel pain, bunions, knee pain, arthritis or sesamoiditis.

Flat feet may be apparent in childhood, or may not develop until later in life.

We will perform a detailed biomechanical assessment of your feet, legs, knees, and hips to identify the root cause of your pain. A video gait analysis of your walking pattern is carried out to assess the effect on your gait.

Treatment may include Footwear advice and modifications, Orthotic therapy, Prescription exercises for strengthening, ankle bracing or support and more.

If you have any concerns over your foot type or posture we would encourage you to come in for a check-up as we can help!


Causes of flat feet:

  • Hereditary (largest contributor to flat foot formation)

  • Hypermobility

  • Internally rotated legs

  • Limb length differences

  • Obesity

  • Pregnancy

  • Tibialis Posterior Dysfunction

  • Arthritis