Geelong Podiatrist, Amy Hawker Talks Online Podiatry (Telehealth)

Here at Stance Podiatry we are providing consultations via video conference on your computer or phone in isolation/at home. Never before has it been easier to seek clarity on your foot issue, get you out of pain and create a plan to get you active again!

In this uncertain time, Telehealth is a fantastic way to provide health care to you if you are unable to attend our Geelong or Ocean Grove clinic. We have all been advised by our government to stay at home except for necessary exercise, shopping and medical appointments. Podiatry is considered essential and will not take a break in these circumstances, but needs to be managed differently for the safety of all.

At Stance Podiatry we love providing quality care to our community and being able to continuing caring for our valued clients in isolation. Telehealth is a fantastic way to continue caring for our valued clients in insolation which in turn reducing the amount of contact within our clinics.

What is involved?

  • Teleconference (online video meeting) with a podiatrist specialising in this area. 

  • 45 minutes for initial consultation, 30 minutes for a review 

  • Both at a reduced rate (we are waiting for private health rebates coming soon)

  • enhanced primary care plan (EPC) rebates available

  • Work cover cases can access podiatry online

We understand that there will be some elements of treatment we are unable to do over video. That said, there is a great deal we can! 

During an in-person consultation, Podiatrists take a thorough medical history. This includes subjective information including things like occupation, medications, exercise/training history, footwear, injury and surgical history plus more.

We then dive into the specifics of your pain/injury. This includes the nature of the pain (chronic/acute), location, duration, onset, characteristics, things that alleviate or aggravate it and your history of treatment so far, which can be attained through an online podiatry consult. 

Then we usually combine this information with our ‘hands on’ assessment. 

With video we have been able to think outside the square and maintain the majority of this information with some simple instructions. Footwear assessment, gait (walking) assessment, functional tests (eg standing calf raises).

The result is a provisional diagnosis and provide a a detailed management plan.

That may include;

  • imaging (x-ray, Ultrasound, MRI, which we can send you a completed request form)

  • At-home advice (footwear, self-massage, self-taping)

  • Rehabilitation exercises

  • We are also able to provide things that may help; wedges, supportive garments, moon boots, supportive insoles by delivering them to your mail box

Virtual Online Podiatry is a viable and important tool in healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic.

When you make an appointment you will receive a confirmation email with all you need to know but call if you have any questions-here to help!

If you would like to know more about online consults- please contact us! or Book online - we look forward to caring for you soon.


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